I asked my husband to take this photo as a 'before' one, so I can remember just how horrible I looked once I have lost the weight. It's funny, I never see myself like this - I skim my reflection in the mirror, and only look at how my clothes look. I look down and see a slim person, because that is how I think of myself...sort of a reverse anorexia!
I had been going to the gym for two months before our holiday in Devon and had thought that I was fit enough to be able to do all the walks we love doing. As it happened, I may have been fittER, but I wasn't fit. My back ached, my legs hurt - sometimes I felt sick with the pain. It did make a difference to our holiday and I felt ashamed.
I knew that I would be going back to Weight Watchers when term started, but I did not really want to go. Now I feel ready to go back and embrace the diet again. I need to or I might be dead in a few years. I am disgusted to say that I need to lose 6 stone to get back to my original goal, but 4.5 would take me back to a 'healthy BMI' weight.
The reason I am posting this is that I would love the support of all you bloggers and readers out there. I will post how well I am doing each week, so that I feel I have to report to someone. It might keep me on the straight and narrow. Wish me luck...