I signed up for a swap a few weeks ago. My partner received my parcel and said theirs would be going out soon. The post-by date was 14th April and nothing has arrived from her. The organiser of the swap kindly sent a general email, asking if everyone had sent their parcels, but she has heard nothing either. I am trying to be kind and think 'maybe something dreadful has happened to her and she has more important things to worry about', but I can't help feeling like I have been had. Crafters tend to feel like a community and share a certain trust that they would not give to other people from the internet. Let's face it, we don't actually KNOW many of them in real life, so it is probably easy to get conned.
The organiser kindly offered to make something for me, but why should she lose out when it was not her fault? It all leaves a rather nasty taste in the mouth. I sincerely hope that I am wrong and it can all be sorted out.