Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Just Playing Last Night...
And Another One, In Reds
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Saturday, 20 June 2009
The Finished Thursday Night Project
Thursday, 18 June 2009
The Thursday Night Project - 17 June
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Labradorite Bracelet and Earrings
This one is going to Max's teacher at the end of the year. She is a lovely teacher and I have had a fair amount to do with her as I help out one morning a week. I was making her a beaded bookmark, but I know she loves jewellery, so have decided on this. Now I am doing the whole, 'Is it too much' thing that I did with her present at Christmas! It cost £12 to make, which is more than I would normally spend, but then, what else can you get for that? A bunch of flowers and box of chocolates?
The labradorite coins look lovely with the silver findings and it is a really weighty piece.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Dismantling UFOs
Saturday, 13 June 2009
C & G Course - My Own Projects
6 necklace and earring sets (one necklace must be netting, and one oat spheres)
One lariat at least 32" long
Two amulet bags, one netted and one tubular peyote
One major piece - a shaped object or anything to show our skill.
For my main piece, I have decided to make a cross-stitch pattern into a square stitch picture. I was originally going to work three photographs into cross-stitch patterns and convert the colours into delica beads. However, the photos that I have chosen needed too many colours and would have cost too much. I am going to make the picture in cross-stitch instead, and may do one of the three photos in beads at a later date.
Instead, I found some lovely little charts of seaside pictures in a cross-stitch magazine. Here is one of the charts worked up in beads...
I am not a big fan of square stitch because I always seem to make it look wonky somehow - as you can see, this one does too! I have also managed to break one of the beads, so it is likely that I will think of this one as a practise piece and will work it up again.
This is going to be my lariat. It is twisted herringbone stitch and I have tried to choose colours that I would not normally put together!
Friday, 12 June 2009
6 Unimportant Things I Love
1 Would probably be chocolate. I don't particularly like the good stuff, Cadbury's is good enough for me. I love the texture, the smell, the taste...
My favourite would have to be Maltersers, Flakes, Mars Bars, Ripple, Revels, Double Decker...

2 The Cinema - Nothing better than watching a good film on a full size screen. Keanu definitely looks better even bigger!
I love the big seats, the pic 'n' mix, the trailers, the ice-cream, even the sweet-wrapper rustlers.
3 Blog-hopping - There is definitely something really rewarding about finding a new blog that you didn't know about and seeing what other people do with their crafts. I usually start with the blogs I love already and then choose one from their list of recommendations. Then, from that blog, I choose one of their recommendations and so on. I have found some wonderful crafters this way. Give it a whirl if you don't already do this.
4 Beads - say no more!
5 The Saturday Times cryptic crossword. Often lasts me the whole week and very satisfying. It is about 3 times the size of the normal one and it keeps my brain working. Once I have finished that, I do the massive Sudoku puzzle, although I normally get too carried away and end up messing it up.
6 Cats - They make me so happy. It's a shame that both Mark and Max are allergic to them. Who wouldn't love this...

Isn't she beautiful!? She is my Mum and Dad's cat and very easily frightened, especially around Max. Some people dislike cats because of their look of superiority but I think they are just lovely. Mind you, any cat that is lucky enough to get their paws under the table at my parents' house WOULD look smug! They get the best seat in the house and are adored constantly...
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Framed Picture

Herringbone Bracelet
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
St. Petersburg Stitch
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Garden Swap
I sent Paula some beautiful wool for her knitting, a rubber stamp with 'English Country Garden' on it, a plant sprayer and the beaded flower that I blogged about a couple of weeks ago. I am afraid that I took the soaps out before sending as they weighed a ton and had to be posted to the US (blush - sorry again Paula!) The flower just needs a chain or ribbon to be hung from and it can also be turned into a hair accessory or brooch.
Tea-Light Holder
I decided that peyote was the way to go for the body of the piece as it was easier to work a bottom from that stitch. I thought that a softer ruffle might be nicer, so I incorporated ogalala lace stitch into the top. I haven't worked the bottom in yet but you can see the general idea from this picture.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Peyote Bracelet
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
My 'Baby' Boy...

My 'baby' is no longer a baby, toddler, pre-schooler or infant schooler. He is a junior with 4 adult teeth and two gaps soon to be filled.
Monday, 1 June 2009
New Camera!!!