
Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Finished Berry Cuff

This cuff is the same as the one I called the 'Egyptian' cuff. It is from the 'Bead and Button' book I posted about further down in this blog. I really love the effect with the berry coloured beads. It was quicker to make this time too, as I know what I am doing, so need to refer to the instructions less. I also made this one a bit closer fitting so it sits more like a cuff than a bracelet.

Bits and Bobs...

Well, I have been very busy this week, but don't have much to show for it. I cut up the green and blue wave bracelet as I decided I didn't like the finished article. I started making another one without the size 6 beads but gave up half way through! I am making another cuff (like the Egyptian one but in berry colours) which is looking fantastic so far but is not finished.

Finally, I went to my course today and we made ear-rings with brick stitch and fringing. For some reason, I just couldn't get the look I really wanted. I ended up with a passable attempt but am going to take a break for a day or before making up the pair for the final coursework.

So, no pictures at the moment but I hope to have the cuff finished later today...

Friday, 26 September 2008

Dual-Wrap Bracelet/Choker Necklace

Another make...

Bead Magazine - Wave Bracelet

I liked this in the magazine, so decided to have a go. It was fairly easy - being Peyote stitch, which I really like. I thought I would try some brighter colours for a change too!

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

C & G Coursework

I had my second class today. We did Ladder and Brick Stitch. I haven't got any photos yet because I am still doing all the beadwork, but watch this space. I was practising increasing and decreasing the rows and ended up with a sample that looked like a little fish, and this gave me an idea for the finished piece. It is going well so far and I am kind of shocked at having had an original idea!!! Next thing you know, I'll be publishing books - one design down, about 19 to go...

EDIT: 24/09/08

And here is the finished article! Not something I would necessarily wear every day, but I love it for my coursework. I think it shows a bit more imagination than the basic requirement...

Cosmetic Bags/Clutch Bags

I made these two last night and was pleased with them. Then, this morning, it struck me how much better the bag would have been turned the other way around! Oh well, I still like them and might give them as presents with jewellery in.
EDIT: I meant to say earlier that I got the idea for the bags from this site. I didn't use her measurements or instructions but muddled through under my own steam!

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Chain Rolls

I had a request to make a jewellery roll purely for chains to be stored in, so I changed the pattern of the previous one and used velcro to make it a little more secure when closed. I then made another as I was on a (jewellery) roll!
I am rather pleased with them on the whole - especially as I didn't have any instructions, just the basic pattern.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

C & G Coursework

Week One: Netting Stitch

Not my sort of thing really but it was nice to learn netting stitch.

Jewellery Roll

My friend phoned me last week and asked if I would be able to make a jewellery roll for her, as a present for someone for Christmas. I had never made anything like that before, but thought there would probably be something on line. There wasn't a huge amount in the free pattern line, but I did manage to find one to give me the basic shape. I then made two prototypes before I came up with a third, and successful, design. Don't mention the phrase 'bias binding' to me as it now sets off my nervous tic!

I have made the roll in two complementary fabrics and am really pleased with how it turned out. I will not bother with the beads in future though, as they double the production time.

I hope you like it...

Sunday, 14 September 2008

New Items in Folksy Shop...

Please do pop along and look at the three bracelets I have just added to my Folksy shop. There is a link you can use to get there, at the side of this blog. I hope you like them and, remember, Christmas is coming...

Swarovski Crystal Bracelet

I made this item at an evening club I attended this week. It is very delicate and I added extra beadwork to strengthen it. It is not the sort of bracelet I would wear as I prefer chunky or 'cuff-like' bracelets. However, it really does sparkle and glitter on the wrist.

Beading Day Yesterday

I had my monthly beading day yesterday and we did Herringbone stitch. It was really enjoyable and here is what I made...

The flat cuff piece has 3mm faceted beads put randomly into the work and it is really effective. The 'lumpy' piece will be a bracelet or necklace, although I don't like the colours on me. It will be going in my Folksy shop when it is finished.

Of course, when I got home, I had to have a play. My husband and son had not seen me all day, so a few more hours wouldn't hurt would it!? I thought about making another flat cuff in blues and greens as there is a 'Seaside Challenge' on the Crafter...oo forum. I thought that this would fit the bill nicely.

Friday, 12 September 2008

Pocket-money Bracelets

My friend handed me an envelope the other day and asked if I could fix the bracelet inside for her niece. It later transpired that her daughter had accidentally broken her cousin's bracelet and my friend had said, 'I know someone who could fix that for you!' So...when I got it home, I had a look and realised that I didn't have any matching beads to make the repairs with, so would have to start from the beginning and make a new one.

I had a go at making something similar, but couldn't get the thing to go exactly right. I didn't want to let my friend's niece down, so made something else completely, which I hope she will like equally if not more than the original. Then it struck me that my friend's daughter might feel a little sad, so I made a copy for her!
These bracelets took half an hour to make and could be sold for about £4, so would be perfect for fairs and school bazaars - so littlies could buy themselves something sparkley!

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

The Best Bracelet I Have Ever Made!

I am so pleased with this bracelet. It is a bit 'bling' but I love it! It is from a pattern from the new book and was very simple, if a little time-consuming. I think the colours are slightly Egyptian and the finished thing is a bit like a cuff. It is also very substantial to wear. I love it!

Although the pattern looks complicated, it is actually just two ladder-stitched 4mm cube strings joined together with loops.

Monday, 8 September 2008

And Another One...

Flower in Beads

It was a bit fiddly, but not difficult. Another project from one of my new books. I am going to make another one in blues and greens. I am thinking of sewing this one onto a bag, but the possibilities are endless really...

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Dutch Swirl Ear-Rings and an Updated Necklace

I got the pattern for these from one of my new books (recently blogged). They were simple to make and I think they are really effective. A bit too glitzy for the school run maybe, but perfect for all the Christmas parties coming up...

And this is a necklace I made a while back. My friend wants to buy it and asked me to shorten it for her. She ordered a pair of matching ear-rings from the removed beads! Waste not, want not!

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Gosh, you can really see that I have lost weight in my face!

Only 7lbs since the picture at the top of my blog, but it all seems to have come off my face! No full length pictures yet though as I still have a HUGE bum! I even lost 2lbs on holiday, despite fish and chips, a few drinks and some sweet treats. Walking seems to be the thing for me...

Kwerner Colour Challenge 21

These challenges are so much fun. Any cardy people out have until the early hours of tomorrow morning to get a card made and posted on her site (see link in my list of fave. blogs). Give it a go - there is a real community out there and some incredibly talented card-makers.

Well, here is mine...not so talented and a bit gaudy if I'm honest, but it is eye-catching I suppose!

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

I'm in a magazine...

...only the Readers' Gallery, but I am still chuffed. It is a card I entered into a competition about 18 months ago.

A commission

Choker and bracelet

Close up

Twisted strand purple bracelet

Tri-wrap bracelet

For Gloria - hope your grand-daughter likes them.