These beads were made by a Gold member of mine at WW. We discovered a shared interest in jewellery making, although with different media. Last week, I went to her house, along with several other like-minded people, and we had a 'show and tell' session. She wanted to buy a bracelet of mine and I wanted some of her beads...so we did a swap - like the days before money! She calls herself 'Purple Duck'. As yet, she doesn't have a web-site, but I hope that she will set one up soon.

This piece is from Bead and Button magazine. I fell in love with the pattern when I saw it and HAD to make it. Once I got my head around the instructions, it was easy to make, although it looks much harder. I love peacock colours and I think that they suit the paisley pattern beautifully. I do intend to turn it into a bracelet but am a bit stuck as to which finding would be the best.

This bracelet is from the current issue of Bead magazine. It is really pretty and an easy pattern to follow. I am making another one in pinks and black.

This bracelet is a 'flat cellini' stitch. I am not 100% happy with it and cocked up the clasp somewhat. I think that the wave in the pattern is not obvious enough and I will be sticking to tubular cellini stitch in future - the results are more interesting.

And finally, this bracelet is also from Bead and Button. Again, I am not 100% happy with it, but not through anything I did wrong. I just don't think it looks as good as the ones in the magazine picture. Maybe my colours needed to be more diverse - contrasting instead of toning. What do you think? Comments very much appreciated.