These earrings are made from a pattern for circular peyote that I covered in Level 2 of the City and Guilds course. One of my finished pieces was a choker made of these hexagons, sewed together. It was my best piece I think, mainly because it was different to anything else made.
This week, I am disappointed to write, I gained 1.5lbs. I did deserve to gain, although I wasn't expecting THAT much! I did have a few extra points each day and Tuesday was a bad day because I was really fed up (sad, not the food meaning!) Anyway, I am back on track and have already been to the gym twice this week. Spicy tomato and lentil soup for dinner - tasty.
I must admit to finding the whole thing very difficult at the moment. I think it must be the weather, but I am so hungry ALL the time. Having said that, I am over half way, so I must keep slogging away.